

Cooking Wings

We believe in a five step process for our wings, a few of the steps are optional but for the best outcome we like to use all five steps. 1. Brine 2. Roast 3. Fry [...]

Bacon Cheese Potato Nachos

Please find below a recipe we are testing from for Bacon Cheese Potato Nachos. We liked their recipe but want to make some suggestions. Ingredients: “potato” chips Fresh Potatoes 1 Tbsp Cumin 1 Tbsp [...]

Marrow Bean Soup

This recipe for Marrow soup helps to warm up both the house and body. Ingredients: · 1 cup of marrow beans · 1/4 teaspoon baking soda · 2 Table spoons of Ghee (or butter) · [...]

Compound Butter for Steaks etc.

We wanted to share a recipe for a compound butter that we like to use with Steak. Compound butters when used on a steak or in a chicken kiev provide a light butter sauce but [...]

Eggplant Napoleon with Pistachio Pesto and Goat Cheese

Ingredients: ·         Egg Plant, sliced ·         Basil, dry ·         Black Pepper ·         Egg Whites ·         Bread Crumbs ·         Tomatoes sliced ·         marinara sauce ·         goat cheese ·         pistachio ·         basil leaves ·         lemon juice ·         [...]

Pumpkin Spice Latte

This is an at home or in office pumpkin spice latte using regular coffee or espresso Pumpkin spice mix: 1 table spoon of cinnamon 2 teaspoons of ginger 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg Ingredients: (two cups) [...]

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