
As always Chef Services Group is expanding their creativity and understanding. The current research project is to understand and implement the spherification process. The spherification process can be done two ways basic and reverse. Basic spherification is achieved by submerging a liquid containing sodium alginate into a calcium bath to create a very thin layered [...]


See CSG speak at Supply Side West!

Walter Zuromski is scheduled to give a presentation at Supply Side West in Las Vegas on October 24 at 8:00 am. His topics will outline the practice of Culinology and the process of creating new products from stove-top to scale-up, and cover current culinary trends. Walter nd CSG welcome the opportunity to contribute to this [...]

See CSG speak at Supply Side West!

Industry’s Leading Technical Magazines Publishes CSG

For the third year, CSG has been featured in Culinology as a key contributor to the Recipe Redux section. This special section is designed to take the reader through the process that the formulator follows from taking a Gold Standard recipe to the plant manufacturing process and how the conversion of that recipe takes place. [...]

Industry’s Leading Technical Magazines Publishes CSG
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