Research Chef Consultant are professionally trained Culinologists who work in diverse aspects of food—from experimental chefs and menu planners to food manufacturing to fine dining. It not something you should leave to the inexperienced. CSG is proud to have our own resident Research Chef to meet all your needs.
Each project we undertake is carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine who will be best suited to execute the deliverables. Then, a dynamic, hand-selected and specialized group of professionals are chosen to work with CSG based on your specific needs. From Dieticians to Food Scientists, Executive Chefs to Research Chef Consultant, and Architects to Graphic Designers, the Group is created to seamlessly fulfill client project outcomes. Our strategic relationships with professionals and alignments with partner companies guarantee our clients the focus that each unique project demands.
CSG’s network of consultants and high-level industry resources bring together a unique depth and breadth of experience and knowledge in both the food service and industrial manufacturing segments of the food industry. We have over 30 years of experience including being at the forefront of serving as Research Chef Consultants.
Research Chef Walter Zuromski has on multiple occasions lead a prestigious panel of judges at the Culinology Competition. The Competition is a collaboration between the Research Chefs Association and the American Culinary Federation to challenge the food science and culinary expertise of its competitors. Read more…