Caprese 1With the weather changing we’ve noticed that Produce is becoming much more abundant (as usual) but that the herbs are looking very nice this time of year. With warmer weather sometimes lighter cooler food is more desirable so we’ve been developing a decent amount of salads.

The Caprese Salad is a simple treat but can have an impressive amount of flavor.


  • Fresh mozzarella balls cut in half
  • grape tomatoes cut in half
  • Basil chiffanade (whole leaf can make a nice garnish) (tip for chiffanading the basil: arrange the leaves on top of each other and roll into a log. Slice/cut thin along the short side. This will give you long consistent strips in less time )
  • Sea Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Balsamic Glaze  (its nice to use a balsamic glaze instead of straight balsamic because it really clings to ingredients a little goes a long way)
  • Olive Oil

1. Arrange the Tomato pieces and Mozzarella pieces alternating on the plate or platter for a larger gathering.
2. Season with cracked black pepper and sea salt
3. Drizzle the olive oil and balsamic glaze over the line of tomatoes and cheese using a zig zag or desired pattern.
4. Stretch the basil strings over top
5. Garnish with whole leaves of basil